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By submitting an application to exhibit at a Sports, Inc. tradeshow, you agree to the following terms & conditions:

1. Exhibitors shall abide by and observe all laws, rules and regulations of the Host State and Host City and departments thereof, applicable laws of the State of Montana and of the United States, and all rules of the Sports, Inc. Show (Show) and/or convention facilities.

2. Neither Sports, Inc. and/or the convention facilities nor any of their officers, agents, employees or other representatives shall be accountable or liable for, and the same are hereby released from accountability for any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or other representatives, resulting from theft, fire, water, accident or any cause.

3. The applicant hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and protect Sports, Inc. and/or the convention facilities against, and hold and save Sports, Inc. and/or the convention facilities harmless from any and all claims, demands, suits, liability, damage, loss costs, attorney fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature which might result from or arise out of an action or failure to act of the applicant or any of its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives, including but not limited to claims, or damage or loss to property or from or out of any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or any property of the applicant or any of its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives.

4. Please check in at the Sports, Inc. Office as per date set for set up and registration. Any Exhibitor that is unable to set up his booth during the specified set-up time shall not be permitted to set up the booth during the Show hours. Please do not attend unless you can comply with this regulation.

5. All lines must be approved by Sports, Inc. prior to exhibiting. Representatives wishing to jointly represent a company that currently has a program with Sports, Inc., must send a letter to our office from the president or national sales manager of the company acknowledging that they are an authorized representative of the company. The representative must agree to abide by the program qualifications. Any variation from the existing program without knowledge and consent of Sports, Inc. will result in expulsion from Sports, Inc. Shows.

6. All exhibitors must have their credit manager’s approval of Sports, Inc. credit prior to admission at the Show or before selling to Sports, Inc. dealers. If orders are written and shipment is not made because Sports, Inc. credit has not been previously approved, all orders will be cancelled. Sports, Inc. cycles invoices for 10th and 25th of month only. No exceptions.

7. ORDERS: Ship only off the ORIGINAL (white) Copy of the purchase order. Sports, Inc. does not retain copies of purchase orders.

8. If an exhibitor fails to make payments when they are due, such exhibitor’s right to exhibit may be canceled by Sports, Inc. Such exhibitor shall not be entitled to a refund or any part of any fee and shall be responsible for any unpaid balance due. Sports, Inc. shall be entitled to close an exhibit at any time for failure by an exhibitor or any of their officer, agents, employees, or other representatives to perform, meet or observe any term or condition set forth herein, and such exhibitor shall not be entitled to a refund or any part of any fee.

9. Exhibitors cannot enter another booth display area without that exhibitor’s permission. No Salesperson shall pick up catalogs or discount schedules from another company without their permission.

10. Any Sports, Inc. Exhibitor closing and/or dismantling his exhibit before the official closing of the Show shall be subjected to the censure of the Sports, Inc. Board of Directors, a fine of $500 and/or loss of exhibitor priority. In cases of hardships requiring early closing of booth, an exception may be granted by Matt Martin. On the last day of the Show, we will not give permission for early closing of your booth because of airline scheduling.

11. Alcoholic beverages will not be allowed in the booth area during Show hours unless approved by Show Management.

12. Exhibitors shall not use any flammable decorating or covering for display fixtures and all fabrics or other material used for decorating or covering of tables or risers shall be flame-proof and must meet all fire codes.

13. Although it is recommended that you use the services of the decorating company for shipping, handling and removal of samples and booth displays, it is the responsibility of each exhibitor to arrange for the shipment and return of their samples and booth displays. Sports, Inc. will not be responsible for merchandise samples at the Show. No merchandise samples shipped to and from the Show are to be charged to Sports, Inc.

14. Booth height will be limited to eight feet. Any variance must be approved by Show management. All aisles will be kept open at all times. Where booths encompass both sides of the aisle, the aisle will still remain a public thoroughfare. Tables, chairs, displays must not be in the aisle by order of the Convention Center Management.

15. Sports, Inc. shows are private and accessible by invited members and exhibitors only. By accepting these conditions, the applicant will not assist non-invited individuals to gain access to Sports, Inc. show areas, including but not limited to exhibit halls, meeting rooms, presentation rooms, and social events.

16. GUESTS OF EXHIBITORS: Attendance at the Show is limited to authorized Sports, Inc. dealers and paying exhibitors. The ONLY GUESTS granted permission to attend the Show are the immediate family members of both the dealers and exhibitors. Please do not request badges for anyone else as the request will be denied. Family members are expected to adhere to the Show rules and regulations detailed in this brochure. Sports, Inc. Shows are closed and are by invitation only.

17. Official Sports, Inc. show badges must be worn by everyone at all times where they are easily visible.

18. Exhibitors shall observe and abide by additional reasonable regulations made by Sports, Inc. for the efficient or safe operations of the Show and Show Management. Show Management has the right to enforce the rules and regulations and to make adjustments and changes on site in order to produce a quality show.

19. Exhibitors will not enter the show if they are experiencing any signs of symptoms of transmissible illnesses such as COVID-19. The applicant expressly agrees to fully comply with CDC-recommended health and safety measures and protocols and/or Convention Center rules and regulations while at the Show.

20. Applicants expressly assume, and release Sports, Inc. and any of its affiliates from, all risks, claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses, whether or not reasonably foreseeable, associated with, resulting from, or arising in connection with my participation or presence at the Show, including, without limitation, all risks of harm, damage, illness, or injury (including death) relating to the applicant's person or property. 

21. Exhibitors agree to the terms and conditions stated above by submitting an application.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these T&C, You can contact us:​

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